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Examination Results

Results for the Academic Year 2022-2023

A warm congratulations to all our senior pupils on yet another excellent set of GCE and GCSE results in the 2023 Examination Season. 

We are proud of our students and their many curricular and extracurricular accomplishments.  Their achievements are a testament to their character, dedication, and ability and it is deeply gratifying, for all our staff, to work in partnership with parents to enable our pupils to fulfil their potential.

We look forward to welcoming our A-Level pupils and their parents back to school on Speech Day (Tuesday 19 December 2023) to celebrate their success together as a school community.

Whilst we do not provide our results for use in newspaper league tables, Rathmore continues, as one of the leading schools in Northern Ireland, to achieve outstanding results.

Our results speak for themselves.

They are also published in our Report to the Board of Governors, Speech Day booklet and Prospectus. 

Once again, I congratulate all our pupils on their outstanding achievements. 

Dr Arthur Donnelly

A2 Results 2022-2023

A2 Results Website.png

GCSE Results 2022-2023

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