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Key Stage 4

Core Subjects: At Key Stage 4, pupils are required to study at GCSE Level Religious Education, English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, at least one Modern Language and at least one Science. All pupils at Key Stage 4 follow non-examination classes in Physical Education and Learning for Life and Work.


The Mathematics Department will select pupils, based on their performance at Key Stage 3, to study Further Mathematics at GCSE. These pupils will normally sit GCSE Mathematics at the end of Year 11 and Further Mathematics at the end of Year 12. Pupils studying only Mathematics will sit one unit at the end of Year 11 and one or two units at the end of Year 12.


Optional Subjects: In addition to their core subjects pupils are offered a choice of the following subjects:

Students studying History, Religious Studies and Technology will sit one unit at the end of Year 11 and then either one or two units at the end of Year 12.


In Year 12, Students studying Double Award Science will sit one unit in each Science in November and then one or two units in each Science in June. Also in Year 12, students will sit one unit in English Language in January and one unit in May/June.

Organisation of classes

Pupils are taught in mixed-ability classes in all subjects apart from Mathematics where classes are arranged in sets at Key Stage 4 to enable pupils with greater mathematical ability to follow an accelerated GCSE programme.


Key Stage 3


Key Stage 4

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Sixth Form

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